Monday, 7 July 2014

Travel | A Week Away

Hello lovelies! So I've just gotten back from a week away in Tinnanbar. Never heard of it? Hardly surprising considering the population is under 100. Not even a corner shop. I have to be honest it's one of the first times I've really been properly "out bush"

I had absolutely no cell phone reception, and honestly I found the break from technology really refreshing. Generally I'm super dependent on my phone, but I found that I actually didn't miss it as much as I thought it would. 

I haven't really had the chance to take photos like this before, with just such beautiful scenery. It may sound cheesy but I really enjoyed the absolute stillness and calm atmosphere.

If you ever get the chance to really get away from your city and spend time just being peaceful, I really recommend it. I have a really strong urge to go and explore the national parks in Australia. Although generally I tend to want to go overseas when I travel, but I always forget how diverse and beautiful my own country is. 

Where do you want to travel to?

Jess x

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