Wednesday, 9 January 2013

Who is the Peony?

I woke up this morning and thought "Humph... my new shoes haven't arrived - what on earth am I going to blog about today?" However, this is the perfect excuse for me to introduce myself to you properly. 

My name is Erin and my favourite flower is a Peony (hence our blog's name). I'm a Brisbane (Australia) girl through and through but am spending the summer in Melbourne with my parents, hoping to return to my home town when the season is over. Recently graduated with a degree in Creative Industries, I have a passion for arts, music, and events management, and writing about the arts, fashion, music, and entertainment. 

There are a few things that may have come across in posts already but I'll give you a run down on my style. I wear what I like. "What I like" covers a ridiculous amount of bases.  Be it stylish, comfortable, practical, or "cool", what I like changes on a day to day basis and therefore so does my typical outfit. As much as I would love to dress in vintage atire all the time, the allure of recent fashions and clothes falling under the umbrella of "hippie" is too great. I love the thrill of finding a bargain at a thrift store equally as much as dishing out a small fortune for an immaculately kept one-off from the 1950s. I can't seem to refrain from whipping out my credit-card digits for a sneaky ASOS buy (who can resist the free shipping, seriously?) or a post-Christmas shoe sale. Nor can I hide the fact that I own 8+ pairs of fisherman/harem/dyed pants and live in them during the summer. I love frilly skirts, floral patterns, denim-on-denim, and combat boots. I also, on occasion, have dreams of wearing vintage Chanel suits to a job I am yet to attain. 

My major at university was music, my other passion. Finding and spreading the word of new kids on the music scene and introducing people to genres they wouldn't find in their normal hearing range is something I want to be involved with forever; especially music from Brisbane and Australia. 

So please, lend me your eyes twice a week and read about my post-uni, self-styled, music loving life.
Erin xx

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