Monday, 24 December 2012

Ticking away the moments that make up a dull day

Perhaps today's post may not be on the most exciting of topics, but since I have been wearing it everyday I thought it warranted a mention. I have been eyeing up the Casio watches on ASOS for ages now, but this style was always out of stock. Eventually I tracked it down on Urban Outfitters and we have been a perfect match ever since.

Somehow I always manage to forget how much I enjoy wearing a watch. Even though my phone is all too happy to tell me the time, there's something satisfying about looking down at your wrist and just knowing. Plus it means I don't have to go delving in my bag, desperately seeking my phone. 

Possibly this watch's greatest feature is the fact that you can adjust it to the exact size you need. Finally I no longer have to face the problem of having my watch one link too big or too small. And if you, like me, were skeptical over the quality of a $30 watch rest assured this baby is well made and ready to stand the test of time. 

Apologies for the slightly boring topic today I did have some outfit photos, but I wasn't super happy with how they turned out. I may require some practice on that front.

Anyways Merry Christmas to everyone I am off to work on my oh-so-sexy watch tan.

Jess xx

P.S. Off to work for some Christmas shopping madness so I felt the lyrics were appropriate, can you pick them?

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