Thursday, 22 May 2014

Music | Current Picks #1

Including only one favourite song/artist/album in my monthly round-up is something I find hard to narrow down. Listening to and finding new music is a huge part of my everyday, and with so much being released globally every week, I think it is only fit that I share current favourites with you. It is also easier to share them in this way, compared to a playlist, because often they do no suit being played alongside each other at all. k

Courtney Barnett

With a positively overwhelming Australian sound, Barnett has produced an album of prose perfectly suited to its musical accompaniment. I have always been a supporter of local tunes, and there is nothing better when an musician embraces their accent, especially when it is your own. I can't wait to hear more from this talented woman and am so happy for her recent success in the USA with The Double EP: A Sea Of Split Peas

Chet Faker

Another Australian artist killing it right now is Chet Faker. I have listened and enjoyed his previous releases but this debut album has me obsessed. Built on Glass exudes slow, soulful electronic music that my ears cannot get enough of. Normally when I listen to music I associate specific scenarios it would best suit; I can't think of one this album (and genre to be honest) doesn't fit. I owe this and the next musical obsession to my lovely friend Rhianna. 


Emotionally raw with a muted yet piecing voice, BANKS has released a stream of EPs and singles that continue to build on the last. My favourite trend right now is soulful voices accompanied by electronic tracks and this  hits the nail on the head. I would compare this music to that of Lorde, London Grammar and Kelela. Again, I find this perfect for all occasions - chilling out or dancing in the lounge with your nearest and dearest on a Friday evening. 

What music have you been enjoying lately? I'm always keen to hear recommended tunes. 

Happy Wednesday!
Erin xx

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